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Reflective Essay

Pasungko Festival
The Pasungko Festival is celebrated for the anniversary of our province, Misamis Occidental. Wherein people all around the province come together to join the celebration. People dances, gives food, and praises our Heavenly Father during the festival.
It didn't rain during the festival that makes the day hot. The crowd were complaining about the hotness of the day. And in order to get refreshed, a lot of people bought cold drinks. Some people didn't thinks twice to throw their garbage properly. They were uncontrollable. And it make the surroundings messy, I was some what disappointed for those people who throw there trash everywhere for they were not able to discipline their selves.
Of all these things that happen, the festival was still successful. It was a good thing to be united with others living in other places in Misamis Occidental to keep the friendship between neighboring places. But next time, everyone should be disciplined and should throw their garbages in the right trash bins.
Change is something that presses us out of our comfort zone. They say that it's inevitable. It is for the better or for worst depending on how you respond from it. Change is the only thing constant here in the world. So we need to adopt changes in our lives.
Change mad my life a very different one from the past. It changed my whole life. Ever since I was young, I was so high tempered. How I wish to change that attitude. It took time before I reached the level that I joined them when they made fun of me and I won't be angry. And often times, I'm the one who make fun of myself first.
One problem that our society faces is pollution. It makes our society dirty which affects the image of our place. And once you can inhale the odor, it will make you sick. Pollution is often caused by factories disposing their waste on rivers, smokes from cars and smoke from burning of plastics. Even though burning of plastics is prohibited, there are still hard-headed people who burn plastics. And I hate to say this, but some of our neighbors are one of them.
Corruption is also a problem especially to our nation. Some of our leaders are corrupt. And they're only thinking of themselves. They actually don't care about us citizens in our country. All they think is money and making them richer than before. The Philippines is one of the most corrupt nations in the world. And I want to change that. When our leaders will stop stealing money from the government, I know we will be one of the richest countries.
War is commonly heard especially on news. It's one of the main problems that the world is facing nowadays. People are killing each other for no reason. And the solution is peace. But in order to have peace, we should love each other first. Once love is there, peace will come next and there won't be any violence and every body will be united by the same purpose.
Change is never easy but it's worthwhile. It will take a lot of path in order to obtain this change we wanted. The process of change can either be easy or difficult. But if we really wanted this change, we need to hang on tight until the end of the ride. We need to be patient, understanding and courageous to face the obstacles we may face in order to obtain it.
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What Christmas Means To Me
Christmas, its everybody's favorite time of the year. When I was a kid, I loved opening gifts and eating meals with my family.
As I grew older, I realized what Christmas is all about. Before, I just thought Christmas is the time of giving gifts and receiving gifts, but actually its the time of sharing, caring, loving, being happy, being with the ones you loved, and most of all, this is the day when our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ was born.
Christmas doesn't really mean to have a lot of gifts, but this is the day that God sent His only Son so that we will be saved from all our sins and so that we might have salvation.
This is what it's supposed to mean, but as we people made it, it seems like a day of giving gifts and talking about Santa Clause. We really should be telling the true meaning of Christmas especially to the children.
Everything else is good, the gifts and everything, but it's good to remember the true meaning of Christmas.
My Teacher, My Hero
What comes out into your mind when you hear the word hero? Is it Batman? or Superman? These guys Batman and Superman are just fictional heroes not a real life time hero.
What is a hero? A hero is actually the person who won't give up on you easily and whom you can depend on during the times of necessity.
Teachers are heroes. They sacrifice a lot for us. Despite of their sleepless nights and stressful days, they are still willing to teach us about the things that we may not be able to learn in our home. And we should all be thankful for that since being educated nowadays is a very big deal because competition is everywhere. Even in applying for jobs, one who has higher level of education will be the first one to be hired. And without our teachers, we won't be what we are for the next couple of years.
As we all know, teachers are also our parents, specifically our second parents. It's actually hard to raise a child so how much more if you are handling at least 40 children. How hard the role of a teacher is. We may think that being a teacher is an easy job but no its not.
To repay them back for what they have done for us, we should have respect to them because teachers also help in molding our personalities to become a better person. And without them we will be nothing in this world.